Run your favourite crack on Linux
(preamble: I do many things over the web every day, search for solutions, find solutions, implement solutions… then I forget everything. So some posts like this are just a collection of things for future memory)
Sometimes it happens that you need a program to open a damn file. And this is a program you will never use again in your whole life.
How can I open it? Well, you have different choices * ask a friend * install the damn program
If the d* program is that kind of very d* programs with serial numbers and stuff, that you have to pay for… well… it’s really a serius problem. And you might don’t want to read what follows.
So assuming that you know how to find the d, then you will probably end up having an installer plus a ‘’crack’’ . And you probably end up having a linux machine and a windows executable crack… dammit! Do I really need a Windows machine now??? Hopefully no. Then you try installing wine, but the executable don’t run inside wine. Strange. And now? What do I do? Normally in the blob you got there is the crack exe plus a.nfo file. If you open it with your loved text editor you will probably find some useful information, like ‘’_Note : You need vc+ 2010 to run keymaker’’ . Aha! This is a good piece of information! Then Ijust_ have to install this vc+ 2010 on my pc and that’s it! To go straight to the point: the easiest way to do so is installing’‘Winetricks’’ from your package manager (or software center as they like to call it recently). Then launch Winetricks and let it install for you vc++.
Now the small crack works. And you can finally open the d* file.