post from MrHyde app
so… I was wandering about the possibility of having a telegram bot that interfaces with Jekyll to publish new posts… these days when I go home I don’t really want to open another PC and start writing posts…
apparently there is no such a thing as a telegram Jekyll bot yet, but an Android app should be already there, no? let’s ask Google…
and tha-daaa I found MrHyde by faudroids! and this is my very first test from their Android app
let’s see what happens
update: it would be cool to drag and drop stuff like links and images and get the markdown already in place… dreaming?
update 2: I actually opened a bug in faudroid github and they were kind enough to add a markdown cheatshett to their app. Now waiting for this fix to propagate until google Play.
update 3: the fix reached Google play! thanks!