
L'istituto tedesco per la sicurezza informatica avverte gli utenti non usate Microsoft Explorer

September 20, 2012 | 0 Minute Read

A quanto sembra Microsoft Internet Explorer, dalla versione 6 alla 9, avrebbe una falla di sicurezza. Meglio usare dei browser alternativi. Ma tanto lo sapevamo già no?

La fonte dice: Germany’s Federal Office for Information Security , the agency that looks after IT security for the country’s federal government, is urging individuals and companies to stop using Internet Explorer.

The warning comes after the news that zero-day exploits are already in the wild for a security hole that affects Internet Explorer, versions 6 to 9. According to the BSI, it is more than likely that criminals will use these vulnerabilities to target users.

As there is no fix for the flaw currently available, the BSI is recommending users ditch IE until Microsoft releases a patch.

“The BSI recommends all users of Internet Explorer to use an alternative internet browser until the manufacturer has released a security update,” it said in an advisory on the BSI site.