From ogg to avi with a simple script
A strange thing is that avidemux works with many video and audio formats, but not our beloved ogg. So some time ago searching around the web for a method to convert a ogg into some avi format and I found a small script. Since data corruption si always possible, I post the solution to the web for future memory.
If you want to convert only one file at time
mencoder oggfilename.ogg -ovc xvid -oac mp3lame -xvidencopts pass=1 -o avifilename.avi
If you want to convert a batch of files
#!/bin/bash <br>
# ogv to avi <br>
# Call this with multiple arguments <br>
# for example : ls *.{ogv,OGV} | xargs ogv2avi <br>
N=$#; <br>
echo "Converting $N files !" <br>
for ((i=0; i<=(N-1); i++)) <br>
do <br>
echo "converting" $1 <br>
filename=${1%.*} <br>
mencoder "$1" -ovc xvid -oac mp3lame -xvidencopts pass=1 -o $filename.avi <br>
shift 1 <br>
where ogv2avi is the name of this script. (If its usage is not obvious, just ask)
Note: This is not my product, so the credit goes to someone else (don’t know who… I found this some years ago).