After updating ruby gems jekyll stops working
Today I updated the ruby gems because I installed a new gem and thought that it passed a long time since the last time I updated them…
The rule should be ‘if it works, don’t touch it’… but… I did.
Searching for a solution, I actually found one!
To fight obsolescence I will copy anthonyjsmith solution here:
As you’re building a GitHub Pages site, I suggest making a file in the same folder as _config.yml called Gemfile with this as the contents:
source ''
gem 'github-pages'
Then run these commands:
gem install bundler
bundle install
bundle exec jekyll serve -V
The bundle exec in the last command makes sure you run the same version of Jekyll as on GitHub Pages, and the -V gives verbose output, which might give you some clues if things go wrong.
The End. HTH