
Embed PDFs in Drupal

April 05, 2012 | 1 Minute Read

(preamble: I do many things over the web every day, search for solutions, find solutions, implement solutions… then I forget everything. So some posts like this are just a collection of things for future memory)

I am developing a website with Drupal and the client asked me if it is possible to embed a PDF viewer in a Drupal node (ok the question was not that precise …). I always answer “everything is possible… we have to understand if you need that!” … but this is another story.

So my problem is almost the one described here. There are several solutions (right now I have tried none of them), depending on the Drupal version you are using. For Drupal 7 there is a straightforward solution, while for Drupal 6 is not so easy… I will talk then about Drupal 6.

One possible solution is to use SWF tools together with FlexPaper. The trick is to “convert” the pdf to a swf via FlexPaper and then use ‘SWF tools’ module to display the swf produced by FlexPaper. This is not really easy to implement inside Drupal (see this comment that redirects to this issue for swf tools).

Another possible solution is the fileviewer module … that later became the PDF module for Drupal 7. I really don’t know if it works on Drupal 6… I will try the fileviewer module first, and then give a try to the fexpaper+swf tools.